Monday, June 22, 2015

“UAE men shop more than women”:

1. 85 per cent of online shoppers in the UAE choose to pay offline (cash on delivery)
2. 76 per cent of online shoppers in the UAE are male
3. 58 per cent of shoppers online in the UAE are between the ages of 25 and 34
4. The average online spend is AED500

A survey by UAE-based online retailer reveals that 76 per cent of online shoppers in the UAE are male (see infographic below).

The survey also shows that 52 per cent of respondents shop on their mobile, while 44 per cent use their desktops and four per cent shop through their tablets.

Although both the usage and the popularity of the mobile shopping market has dramatically increased in the past year, the study shows that UAE shoppers are not ready to put their full trust in the safety of the system.

A whopping majority (85 per cent) of users state that they prefer to pay offline (cash on delivery) rather than online through a debit or credit card (15 per cent).

So, what are these shoppers spending their money on?
According to, the top searched categories online in the UAE are:
1. Mobile phones
2. Tablets
3. Watches
4. Jewellery
5. Perfumes

And the top categories of items bought online are:
1. Consumer electronics (57 per cent)
2. Home and kitchen appliances (14 per cent)
3. Apparel and accessories (10 per cent)
4. Health and beauty (5 per cent)
5. Photography and cameras (4 per cent)
6. Other categories (10 per cent)

What about you? Are you comfortable with putting your bank details online? Let us know on our Facebook feed.
Post By: Ramiz Ali Khan

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